Bogdan's Journey

A project in New York, NY by Larry Loewinger and Michał Jaskulski

Funding Successful

A film that tracks a man's journey to heal a festering historical wound in his town, Kielce, Poland, site of the infamous 1946 pogrom.
Backers: 208
Average Pledge Per Backer: $202

Funded: $42,093 of $40,000
Dates: Sep 16th -> Oct 19th (33 days)
Project By: Larry Loewinger and Michał Jaskulski
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Last Updated: October 19 @ 13:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Beginnings & Endings

October 19th - via:
We began our campaign to raise $40,000 in thirty-three days for "Bogdan's Journey" by posting Yael Bartana's video, "Mary Koszmary," (Nightmares), a powerfully evocative, imaginary dialogue between Poles & Jews about rebirth & renewal. So we... (Read More)

24 hours to go

October 18th - via:
To all our wonderful supporters, Michał & I really appreciate your help so far. With 24 hours to go we would like to create a new informal goal--$42,500 by the deadline, tomorrow, Sunday, at 1:01pm EDT. Making a movie consumes money. Every... (Read More)

Almost There!

October 15th - via:
There are only 4 days left for us to meet our $40,000 Kickstarter goal and we need everyone’s support. Recently we signed with a distributor, Menemsha Films, who will be distributing the film in major cities in the USA & Canada. During the... (Read More)

What We Discovered!

October 14th - via:
Hello Backers, This is the last 5 days! Our campaign ends this Sunday, 10/19, at 1:01pm. So far this Kickstarter has been one crazy, amazing journey, with people reaching out to us from all over the world. One day last week a man contacted us on... (Read More)


September 24th - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play 00:00 00:00  (Read More)

Larry's Video Update 09/ 24

September 24th - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play 00:00 00:00  (Read More)

In Memory of Miriam Guterman, 1921 - 2014

September 22nd - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play 00:00 00:00 Hello Kickstarter friends and backers of the Bogdan's Journey film family: We are sad to inform you that Miriam Guterman, a dear friend of Bogdan's Journey, and one of the... (Read More)

Week One Update 09/22

September 22nd - via:
Hi, my name is Larry Loewinger, and I am the co-director of “Bogdan’s Journey.” I am pleased to say that in less than a week we’ve raised more than 25% of our goal of $40,000. We're also selected as "Staff Pick" by Kickstarter staff. It’s... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!