Box Camera Rebirth
A project in Allen, TX by Dusty000days
Funding Successful
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Last Updated: November 16 @ 21:05 -0500 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Quick scan of negative/test
November 16th - via:
Here are 2 quick scans. I cannot find my medium format "tray" for my Epson V500, but I wanted to share a couple of test exposures. Shot on Ilford HP5 and a Kodak "50th Anniversary" edition box camera. Ilford chemicals. About 6.5 minute dev time.... (Read More)
SUCCESSFUL FIRST TEST OF KODAK 50th Anniversary camera!
November 16th - via:
YES!!! A bit of mental cursing and head banging as I am rusty. After frankenpiecing parts to create a “tank,” I was able to lrocess the Ilford HP5!!! (Read More)
Test roll!
November 16th - via:
I am a little rusty but here it goes. I just ran outside to test as the previous helper was so excited that I simply let her shoot a roll of expired color Fuji C-41 process (which we can’t do right now) and take it home for holiday break to develop... (Read More)
Link to history of box camera for kids - 500k cameras given away 1930's
November 16th - via: (Read More)
November 16th - via:
I have a vision. A vision of clearing 100 backers! Can we do it? :) (Read More)
First test roll in box camera
November 16th - via:
Hugh school mentor helping out to test the original box camera that started it all! (Read More)
Print and delivery of group shot/more printing coming
November 16th - via:
Running low on ink, but the kids LOVE to see and print their pics. This is my little printer from home. Finished group print for Boyd kids for delivery TODAY! Let’s get pumped! Making t shirts for the kids soon?! @Dusty___Parrish @BoydBlackhawks... (Read More)
more prints
November 15th - via:
Printing out some group pics to drop off at Boyd tomorrow. Everyone loves getting mail...especially as a surprise at the end of a long school day and surprise! (I will make sure to write their names on the backs of each) (Read More)
November 15th - via:
Although we were able to make quick prints at the end of the workshop (THANK YOU JACKSON PARRISH for being my tech support and print master!) to give the kids the digital side of what we shot (writing with light) and photogram prints as well, I am... (Read More)
November 15th - via:
I am not setting any surge goals for this, but what are your thoughts about making up some simple t shirts with our club name “The Boyd Boxers” with a box camera logo or pic on it for the kids to have? (Read More)
Dallas Observer Interview
November 14th - via:
Interview this morning! Here is some texting between the principal, Judith Coffman and I as I promote the cause! (Texting conversation this morning) “Is there. Talking point You would like me to bring up in interviews? Maybe emphasize opportunities... (Read More)
November 14th - via:
Thank you to all the backers and folks who spread the word! My phone service did not work properly until a few minutes ago. Super good feeling knowing we can progress. I would love to post more updates and also ask your opinions about items on the... (Read More)
NBC 5 Interview!
November 12th - via:
NBC-5 is going to interview me about the kickstarter and it’s cause. Can’t wait to meet the goal. Oh, and I really want Mark Zuckerberg to reply to my IM from days ago. Mark, help us out?! ;) (Read More)
more photos
November 12th - via:
Here are just a few photos from one of our phones we gave a kid that did not have a camera. Thank you Sandy, who brought her extra digital cameras she held onto. The first pics are from what 1 student shot. The “warm-up” exercise was to give the... (Read More)
“The Boyd Boxers”
November 12th - via:
“The Boyd Boxers” is suggested by Alex! Thoughts? Also, here are a few more pics. 1 is of a few helpers. The girl with my Hasselblad (The kids love the sound it makes!) I currently teach from the 9th grade campus. Mentoring, especially kid-to-kid... (Read More)
Club name suggestions?
November 12th - via:
Now I am committing! Read below as I sent this to our latest member. ALL backers are now part of our little camera club! We just need a fun photo oriented name. Suggestions?! :) SeeCarlaShoot, Thank you for putting us over the half way mark!!! I will... (Read More)
November 11th - via:
Some quick pics. More to come. I wish you could see how excited we are!!! Each kid will also leave with a photogram and a light writing print from my little portable “instaprinter” I borrowed. (Read More)
Heading to finish preps for our first 9-11 seasion today
November 11th - via:
Stopped by K-roger’s for ice and drinks and some snacks for the kids. Had to go by high school darkroom to snag whatever Ilford is available. Please help continue spread the word. I would LOVE to get more supplies and make it the best it can be!... (Read More)
More darkroom progress
November 10th - via:
Have all the gear for the first workshop set for tomorrow. Each kid gets to play with a variety of cameras for warm up/history, Pinterest examples pf photkgraphy/discussion, Photo scavenger hunt following, then onto super fun writing with light, and... (Read More)
Working Back in Time
November 10th - via:
I have a little printer to use for this Saturday. The first mini workshop with the kids will involve the cameras I have and can provide. The idea is EVERY kid has a physical camera to explore and learn about. I then show them awesome inspirational... (Read More)
November 9th - via:
Thanks for the continued support and also helping spread the word! I have been emailing a few photography oriented sources for additional support when I had the idea why not involve Kodak themselves. Afterall, I am gathering an assortment of Kodak... (Read More)
November 9th - via:
Here is a msg I sent to a backer. I feel strongly That I should share it! Please remember that spreading the word has really helped and every dollar goes to the kids works. We have 15 slots for Saturday and I am committed to doing multiple workshops.... (Read More)
pin hole camera test success
November 6th - via:
Making progress on tests. I will mix new chemicals as I determined the chemicals in darkroom I have access to are spent. (Read More)
4 dates reserved. Began tests
November 3rd - via:
So November 11th will be my first workshop/Intro with hopefully about 15 elementary school kids. I have secured many pin hole cameras from our photo teacher to borrow to start out. We will teach with pin hole cameras for the first meeting on Nov.... (Read More)
Canadian Brownie added “Old Blue”
October 23rd - via:
Just received a blue brownie via ebay purchase to add to our arsenal! We will call her “Ol’ Blue.” Each camera will need a name as we add in preparation of the workshops with kids. “Unboxing” pics from today’s arrival attached.... (Read More)
620-to-120 film conversion
October 23rd - via:
Apparently if one uses nail clippers, you can modify 120 film spools to work in kodak “620” cameras. This opens up our ability to source 620 cameras from their slumber! (Read More)
2 more “box” cameras added
October 23rd - via:
2 more cameras added. Kodak Brownie box six-20’s. Also a retro flash. I have another Kodak acquired from ebay on its way. (Read More)
Boyd Elementary confirmed!
October 22nd - via:
I had a wonderful conversation with the principal of Boyd Elementary School this afternoon. We have confirmed that the box camera rebirth project will be offered to any students interested at the school. We decided that Saturday sessions would be... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!