Disciples Of The Storm
A project in New Martinsville, WV by Nathan Hunt000days
Funding Unsuccessful
"Disciples of the storm is a fast paced RTS set in a mythical fantasy world torn apart by a war of the Gods."
Backers: 88
Average Pledge Per Backer: $263
Funded: $23,150 of $50,000
Dates: Jul 26th -> Aug 22nd (28 days)
Project By: Nathan Hunt
Backers: 88
Average Pledge Per Backer: $263
Funded: $23,150 of $50,000
Dates: Jul 26th -> Aug 22nd (28 days)
Project By: Nathan Hunt
current pledge level
Last Updated: August 22 @ 22:30 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Disciples of the Storm Heads Back to Kickstarter
June 23rd - via: cinelinx.com
Look out, RTS gaming fans, a new dev team has picked up the mantel of the classic strategy title Netstorm: Islands at War and have come back to Kickstarter in the hopes of fully funding a spiritual successor, Disciples of the Storm. Check out what they're hoping to accomplish and why it might be worth your time (and money). (Read More)
Disciples of the Storm Kickstarter Campaign Underway, Video Released
August 20th - via: gamershell.com
Disciples of the Storm is a fast paced RTS set in a mythical fantasy world in which the world has been torn apart by a war of the Gods (Read More)
Updated DOTS Steam greenlight page
August 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Replacing the earlier posted link for the steam green light link that is no longer working after project was moved from concept section to an active development project we have the new corrected green light link... (Read More)
New Gameplay Talk Video Posted
August 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
From the feed back we have gotten from the first video we have now put together a new second video that tries to go into a little more background info about game-play while walking through some of the elements of game-play. We are working on getting... (Read More)
Indie Game Magazine does article on Disciples Of the Storm kickstarter
July 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Disciples of the storm makes it to the front page of Indie Game Magazine, Indie Game Magazine is the number one source for Indie game news and covers a wide range of indie game development projects. You can read the splendid write up about Disciples... (Read More)
Disciples of the storm: Priest's construction menu ring
July 30th - via: kickstarter.com
In Disciples of the storm the construction of Temples, Workshops and shrines along with accessing spells is accessed through an easy and user friendly ring gui interface by right clicking the players priest to bring up the ring interface.. Our... (Read More)
Netstorm-Inspired Disciples of the Storm Now on Kickstarter
July 30th - via: indiegamemag.com
In almost every RTS, you expect your units to move. After all, something needs to head over to the other guy’s stuff to wreck it, right? You can’t just hope his towers and defenses fall apart from shoddy workmanship. Well, in 1997, Netstorm changed that by making almost every single unit static. You had to build your way over to the enemy’s units using bridges and strategy, and it became a closet hit for many people. Despite its age, it still has a following today, and some of its fans have come together to work on a game inspired by it, called Disciples of the Storm. (Read More)
DOTS kickstarter progressing along
July 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Since we launched the kickstarter over the weekend we have slowly raised 879$ which shows the team there is interest in the project and more are slowly trickling in.. On the development end we are working on the redesign of the power icons for Wind,... (Read More)
Disciples Of The Storm – New Fast Paced RTS – Gets Kickstarter Campaign
July 27th - via: dsogaming.com
Nathan Hunt has informed us about the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for a new fast-paced RTS game called Disciples Of The Storm. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!