Vikings Gone Wild - Masters of Elements Expansion (+Reprint)

A project in San Francisco, CA by Lucky Duck Games

Funding Successful

The Masters of Elements have joined the ranks of your Viking tribe! Will you use them at your advantage?
Backers: 3128
Average Pledge Per Backer: $83

Funded: $260,505 of $10,000
Dates: Aug 22nd -> Sep 11th (21 days)
Project By: Lucky Duck Games
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Last Updated: September 11 @ 18:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Final Stretch Goal is unlocked!!

September 11th - via:
Arrrhhhhhhh Vikings!! The Final Stretch Goal is unlocked! Jon Soil is the bastard son of Odin. While his role in Ragnarök isn't clear, we know he's been to Helheim several times. He knows nothing, but he has seen stuff very few men have. Jon is... (Read More)

Water Pack #3 is unlocked!

September 11th - via:
Arrrhhhhhhh Vikings!! Water Pack #3 is unlocked!   This pack is a bunch of pop-culture references that we packed into a couple cards.Will you figure out all of them? Introducing a new Divine Favor: We Found Vikings!   Introducing a new Odin's... (Read More)

Heimdall is unlocked!

September 10th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Heimdall is unlocked!  In Norse mythology, Heimdall is a god who possesses the resounding horn Gjallarhorn, owns the golden-maned horse Gulltoppr, has gold teeth, and is the son of Nine Mothers. Heimdall is attested as... (Read More)

Events Pack is unlocked!

September 10th - via:
Arrhhhhhhh Vikings!! Events Pack is unlocked!    During the first Kickstarter, we introduced an extra set of rules to integrate Events.Events are triggered on specific conditions and affect all players equally. You will need the 1st Season KS... (Read More)

1000 Ratings on BGG and #950 Spot!

September 10th - via:
Hi everyone, As we are slowly wrapping up this campaign, something remarkable happened again on We broke the 1000 ratings!  Your opinion help us get visibility but, more importantly, also help us build better games. A big hug and... (Read More)

Odin's God Pack is unlocked!

September 10th - via:
Arrhhhhhhh Vikings!!! Odin's God Pack is unlocked!   In Germanic mythology, Odin (from Old Norse Óðinn) is a widely revered god. In Norse mythology, from which stems most of the information about the god, Odin is associated with healing, death,... (Read More)

5th Player - We found a solution for all of you!

September 9th - via:
Arrrhhhhhh Vikings!! 5th Player - We found a solution for all of you!Oh what a logistic puzzle to make that 5th player expansion work.At the heart of the issue was how fragile the cardboard player pad was if transported outside of a box.  The... (Read More)

Fire's Pack #3 is unlocked!

September 9th - via:
Aaarhhhhh Vikings!!! Fire's Pack #3 is unlocked!  Darth Hog and Horn Trooper are both the main characters of Return of the Hog, the famous sequel to The Hen Strikes Back. The movie takes place a long time ago in a farm far, far away... and Darth Hog... (Read More)

Frigg is unlocked!

September 8th - via:
Arrrhhhhh Vikings!!!! Frigg is unlocked!  In Germanic mythology, Frigg (Old Norse), Frija (Old High German), Frea (Langobardic) is a goddess. In nearly all sources, she is described as the wife of the god Odin. In Old High German and Old Norse... (Read More)

Booster Packs & Final Add-on!

September 8th - via:
Aaarhhhhh Vikings!!! Booster Pack Discount! This campaign would not be where it is without you and therefore, these boosters would not exist without you! They are expensive to produce and can't be offered as Stretch Goal, but, we have decided to... (Read More)

Nature's Pack #3 is unlocked!

September 7th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!! Nature's Pack #3 is unlocked!  Mithranbeer is a fictional character and one of the protagonists in P. P. R. novels The Bad Habbit and The Lord of the Beers. He is a wizard, member of the Anonymous Drinker order, as well as... (Read More)

Next Stretch Goal!

September 7th - via:
Arrghhhhhhh Vikings!!! Next Stretch Goal!    So, can you figure out, with the few clues above, what movie is in reference of the next Nature Pack? :) Until next time,Quack!    (Read More)

Tyr's God Pack is unlocked!

September 7th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!! Tyr's God Pack is unlocked!  Tyr (/ˈtɪər/;[1] Old Norse: Týr [tyːr]) is a Germanic god associated with law and heroic glory in Norse mythology, portrayed as one-handed. Corresponding names in other Germanic languages are... (Read More)

Wayland's God Pack is unlocked!

September 6th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Wayland's God Pack is unlocked!  In Germanic mythology, Wayland the Smith (Old English: Wēland; Old Norse: Völundr) is a legendary master blacksmith, described by Jessie Weston as "the weird and malicious craftsman, Weyland".... (Read More)

Extra Missions are unlocked!

September 5th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!!! Extra Missions are unlocked!  This Stretch Goal is a direct consequense of our cooperation with the amazing community of gamers who is following us and was kind enough to Print & Play this expansion during the month prior... (Read More)

New Add-on revealed - 3x Booster Packs!

September 4th - via:
Arrhhhhh Vikings!!! New Add-on revealed - 3x Booster Packs! We are very excited to announce the release of 3 unique Booster Packs.Each pack is unique (not random cards) and always composed this way: 1x Divine Favor 1x Artefact 10x Unit Card We have... (Read More)

Water's Pack #2 is unlocked!

September 4th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Water's Pack #2 is unlocked!  In Norse mythology, Njörd is a god among the Vanir. Njörd, father of the deities Freyr and Freyja by his unnamed sister, was in an ill-fated marriage with the goddess Skaði, lives in Nóatún... (Read More)

Loki's God Pack is unlocked!

September 3rd - via:
Arrrhhhhh Vikings!!!! Loki's God Pack is unlocked!  In Norse mythology, Loki (Anglicized (/ˈloʊki/)), Loptr, or Hveðrungr is a god. Loki is the son of Fárbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Býleistr. By the jötunn Angrboða,... (Read More)

Social Goal is unlocked!

September 2nd - via:
 Arhhhhh Vikings!!!! Social Goal is unlocked!  You did it! You've reached all the goals set to unlock Borr! Borr or Burr[1] (Old Norse: 'son';[2] sometimes anglicized Bor, Bör or Bur) was the son of Búri, the husband of Bestla, the father of... (Read More)

Bragi God Pack Unlocked!

September 1st - via:
Arhhhhh Vikings!!! Bragi God Pack Unlocked!  Bragi is the skaldic god of poetry in Norse mythology. Bragi is generally associated with bragr, the Norse word for poetry. The name of the god may have been derived from bragr, or the term bragr may... (Read More)

Social Goal Update

September 1st - via:
Arhhhhh Vikings!!! Social Goal Update!  We just reached the 1500 Facebook Fans, thank you! That's 2 goals unlocked, 2 more to go! We actually lowered a bit the Retweet and Share goals, because we can't wait to show you what will be unlocked by... (Read More)

Artefact Pack #3 is unlocked!

August 31st - via:
Arhhhhh Vikings!!! Artefact Pack #3 is unlocked!  In Norse mythology, Sleipnir (Old Norse "slippy" or "the slipper") is an eight-legged horse. Sleipnir is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources,... (Read More)

Shipping prices update + Harvey Hurricane Relief

August 31st - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings! Shipping Prices UpdateAs you know, we're not charging shipping during this Kickstarter, but will do so only during the Pledge Manager. It gives us the flexibility to negotiate better shipping prices for you! And so, we managed to... (Read More)

Fire's Pack #2 is unlocked!

August 30th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings! Fire's Pack #2 is unlocked!   In Norse mythology, Surtr (sometimes called Surt or Surtur; Old Norse "black" or "the swarthy one") is a fire giant from Múspell. Surtr is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century... (Read More)

Top 1000 & New Review Video!

August 30th - via:
Arrhhhh Vikings!!! Top 1000 on BGG!Vikings Gone Wild just broke the top 1000 on BoardGameGeek during this campaign!What an amazing journey for this game. Thanks to all of you who took the time to bring their feedback and ratings to the page!  You... (Read More)

Valkyrie God Pack is unlocked!

August 29th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings! Valkyrie God Pack is unlocked!  In Norse mythology, a Valkyrie (from Old Norse valkyrja "chooser of the slain") is one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Selecting among half... (Read More)

Dvergar's God Pack is unlocked!

August 28th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Dvergar's God Pack is unlocked!  In Germanic mythology, Dvergar is an entity that dwells in mountains and in the earth, and is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting. Introducing a new God Pack: Dvergar... (Read More)

Introducing Neoprene Mats + 5th Player Expansion Add-on!

August 28th - via:
Aarrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Introducing Neoprene Mats Many of you have asked for ways to upgrade their gears, and more specifically their player mats! We love neoprene mats ourselves, so it did not take too much convincing to put us at work on the idea.... (Read More)

Natures' Pack #2 is unlocked!

August 27th - via:
Arhhhhh Vikings!!! Natures' Pack #2 is unlocked!    In Norse mythology, Ratatoskr (Old Norse, generally considered to mean "drill-tooth"[1] or "bore-tooth"[2]) is a squirrel who runs up and down the world tree Yggdrasil to carry messages between... (Read More)

New Player Tokens are unlocked!

August 26th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! New Player Tokens are unlocked!  So here is the full story around our Player Tokens. During the last campaign we unlocked 3 extra Player Tokens, one of them being Freya. But during the completion of the final punchboard... (Read More)

Social Goal added!

August 26th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Social Goal added!  Let's reach these 4 golds and we will add a truly unique card to your box!Will we reveal who is behind this challenge? Reach 2000 fans on Lucky Duck Games Facebok Page... (Read More)

Vikings Gone Wild Expansion on Kickstarter

August 26th - via:
Besides new Divine Favor, End Game Bonus, Mission, Odin (Read More)

Freya's God Pack is unlocked!

August 25th - via:
Arrhhhhh Vikings!!! Freya's God Pack is unlocked!    In Norse mythology, Freya (/ˈfreɪə/; Old Norse for "(the) Lady") is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, war, and death. Freya is the owner of the necklace... (Read More)

Introducing Premium Sleeves Add-On

August 24th - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Introducing a new Add-On We have selected the perfect fit sleeves for you - BCW 58x89 Sleeves.    Adding sleeves to a Kickstarter adds a fair layer of logistic complexity, but many struggled to find the right fit for this game... (Read More)

Artefact Pack #2 is unlocked!

August 24th - via:
Arrhhhhhhh Vikings! Artefact Pack #2 is unlocked! Yggdrasil (/ˈɪɡdrəsɪl/ or /ˈɪɡdrəzɪl/; from Old Norse Yggdrasill, pronounced [ˈyɡːˌdrasilː]) is an immense mythical tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology. Introducing a... (Read More)

Hel's God Pack is unlocked!

August 23rd - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!!! Hel's God Pack is unlocked!    In Norse mythology, Hel is a being who presides over a realm of the same name, where she receives a portion of the dead. Hel is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from... (Read More)

Fenrir's God Pack is unlocked!

August 23rd - via:
Arhhhhhh Vikings!!! Fenrir's God Pack is unlocked!  In a more advanced form of play, the Master of Elements can be replaced by Gods.These cards function exactly like him with one execption: they provide a powerful asymmetric capacity at level 3!The... (Read More)

Water Pack is unlocked!

August 22nd - via:
Arrhhhhh Vikings!!! Water Pack is unlocked!    Leviathan is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, a primeval monster defeated by the god Hadad. Parallels to the role of Mesopotamian Tiamat defeated by Marduk have long been drawn in comparative... (Read More)

Fire's Pack is unlocked!

August 22nd - via:
Arrhhhhhhh Vikings!!! Fire's Pack is unlocked!    In Norse mythology, Logi, Loge (Old Norse "fire") or Hálogi ("High Flame") is a fire giant, god and personification of fire. He is son of giant Fornjótr and brother of Ægir (sea giant) and Kári... (Read More)

Artefact's Pack is unlocked!

August 22nd - via:
Arhhhhh Vikings!!!! Artefact's Pack is unlocked!  That. Was. Fast!!!  This expansion introduces a new kind of cards: Artefacts (yes, Artefacts, not Artifact :D). These cards are drafted at the beginning of the game and each player ends up with 3... (Read More)

Nature's Pack is unlocked!

August 22nd - via:
Arrhhhhhh Vikings!! Nature's Pack is unlocked!   And here we are. So so please to see you join us on this new journey. Introducting a new Devine Favor: Jörd   In Norse mythology, Jörd (Old Norse jǫrd, "earth" pronounced [ˈjɔrð]), is a... (Read More)

Funded in 30 minutes!! Thank you!

August 22nd - via:
Arhhhh Vikings!!!! By Odin!!Thank you! Last year, when no one ever heard of our team and our project, it took us 2 hours to reach the $7000 we needed to print the small batch we were planning to print.1 year later, the game has sold over 23,000 units... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!