A project in Milano, Italy by Gravity Games000days
Funding Successful
Absorb the Souls of the fallen heroes and capture the Fragment to survive the Decay in this competitive strategy game for 2 players.
Backers: 1175
Average Pledge Per Backer: €75
Funded: €88,692 of €40,000
Dates: Sep 15th -> Oct 14th (30 days)
Project By: Gravity Games
Backers: 1175
Average Pledge Per Backer: €75
Funded: €88,692 of €40,000
Dates: Sep 15th -> Oct 14th (30 days)
Project By: Gravity Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 14 @ 17:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
October 14th - via:
SOULGIVERS - KICKSTARTER GRAND FINALE Soulgivers between past, present, and future. Bilingual live event with Luca and Giulia. Log into Facebook | Facebook (Read More)
Enter the Gatekeeper + Announcement for French and German backers!
October 14th - via:
ENTER THE GATEKEEPER! The unknown 14th hero is finally here. The Gatekeeper is joining the battle for the Fragment and brings into the game advanced game mechanics thanks to their ability to create temporary gates for their people. The Gatekeeper's... (Read More)
The Black Fragment add-on has arrived!
October 13th - via:
Dear backers, As we promised, the last few hours of our campaign will be full of news! Some of you already noticed it, but now we can make it official: the black Fragment has officially made its appearance in the add-ons. It's a Kickstarter... (Read More)
Unlocked a New Exclusive Gift for all our Backers!
October 13th - via:
Hi Backers! We are happy to announce that another Stretch Goal joined the list of the unlocked items: the tile pouch! We've been wanting to add it to our campaign for a while now and seeing you were so eager to get it in the survey encouraged us to... (Read More)
Discovering the NEW HEROES available on Kickstarter, LIVE NOW!
October 12th - via:
Log into Facebook | Facebook (Read More)
Spanish and German PDF version of Soulgivers + new stretch goal
October 12th - via:
Dear Backers, There's a very important piece of news for those who don't speak English: we started to work on the Spanish and German PDF version of Soulgivers! As we announced for the French version, we'll make available a high-resolution printable... (Read More)
Events of the Final Week!
October 11th - via:
Dear Backers, We're getting closer to the end of this incredible adventure. Let us introduce to you the last two must-see events if you want to know the true potential of the new characters, the Soulcrusher, the Aeger, and the Whisperer, is! See you... (Read More)
All Social Stretch Goals Unlocked + Limited Time Tabletopia Edition!
October 10th - via:
THE POWER OF THE COMMUNITY! We are proud to announce we've unlocked all the social stretch goals for our campaign! Thank you for your daily support and your dedication to our project. The additional Hardcore Gameplay is now a reality and we'll soon... (Read More)
60k Stretch Goal Unlocked + new live stream tonight!
October 9th - via:
60k STRETCH GOAL UNLOCKED! Congrats to you all! Thanks to you, we've unlocked two new Anomalies that joined the set of items dedicated to our over 800 Kickstarter backers! Now, our next goal is closer, and it is worth it! We can't wait to start... (Read More)
Discovering: Soulgivers Abilities - Now Live @Tabletopia
October 7th - via:
Luca & Giulia will guide you through the Soulgivers outstanding abilities! Now live streaming: Log into Facebook | Facebook (Read More)
New stretch-goals and add-ons for our backers!
October 6th - via:
Dear Backers, So many of you have already answered our call: so many have already taken part in our survey and gave us so many ideas, suggestions, and proposals that we are taking into consideration to improve even more the game experience in the... (Read More)
How To Play Live @Tabletopia - NOW STREAMING!
October 5th - via:
Luca & Giulia will guide you through the Soulgivers how to play :) Log into Facebook | Facebook (Read More)
Survey + New Stretch Goal Unlocked
October 5th - via:
Dear Backers, Soulgivers is growing more and more every day, and things are getting more and more interesting. SURVEY TIME! We thought of this survey for you. It will only take 2 minutes to complete and it will help us make our campaign, our stretch... (Read More)
New events of the week + survey coming soon!
October 4th - via:
Dear decaying brothers and sisters, We are happy to announce the new events of the week! They'll be busy days, but we'll make it through thanks to your support and your enthusiasm. Don't miss the short but crucial "How to play" live this Monday on... (Read More)
2vs2 team mode added to Soulgivers!
October 3rd - via:
Hey Backers! We are proud to announce that we added the 2vs2 game mode to the Soulgivers experience. The Core Set and the Rulebook will be updated to include this fantastic new competitive game mode in which four friends can fight in teams to... (Read More)
Backers, don't miss our event of the week's list!
September 29th - via:
Dear Backers (700!), we have some important updates for you: We've lowered shippings for CANADA and AUSTRALIA. We've added RETAIL PLEDGE for stores (online and brick&mortar). We've added our new EVENT OF THE WEEK's list. Check it below! Don't... (Read More)
We unlocked our 3rd stretch goal!
September 27th - via:
Hey guys! We did it! We unlocked our 3rd stretch goal! You guys are an incredible community that keeps on surprising us. Now we are on our way to our next stretch goal! But don't forget we also have our Social Stretch Goals: go on our BGG page and... (Read More)
Did you see our Q&A Stream last night?
September 25th - via:
Hey Backers! Did you see our interesting Q&A stream last night on our FB page? Luca and Giulia answered your questions and gave some news on our next events. If you missed it, you can see it here. Don't forget to like it and share it... (Read More)
English Q&A, How To Play and other updates!
September 24th - via:
Dear Backers, This second week of our Kickstarter campaign is coming to an end. We've accomplished a lot: we've reached 100% and unlocked two stretch goals, but we can do much more together! On our part, we are really taking in all your love, your... (Read More)
We have unlocked the group pledge!
September 23rd - via:
We have unlocked the group pledge! It means that you can order more copies of Soulgivers and receive everything at one single address and save on shipping! Take a look at the new Group Pledge chart we've just added on our KS page: (Read More)
Soulgivers 100% FUNDED!
September 20th - via:
Let's celebrate! Soulgivers became a reality thanks to you, to our awesome backers, who have believed in us and in our extraordinary Shell and Specter multiverse. Today is a special day. We are proud to celebrate all the efforts of the past few... (Read More)
New English Content and Group Pledge Available Soon!
September 20th - via:
Hey Backers! We reached 98% and we are really close to our goal! And this is all thanks to you. Before we start celebrating (and the journey to the stretch goals we thought for you), we want to give you some important updates: Many of you asked for a... (Read More)
Soulgivers has reached 500 backers! It's now time to take action.
September 18th - via:
Dear Backers, We are so close to reaching our goal! Soulgivers is becoming a reality. It's now time to take action: show us your support on Board Game Geek so that Soulgivers can reach as many people as possible, and we can unlock the Social... (Read More)
September 18th - via:
Dear Decaying frères et sœurs, We are happy to announce we are officially working on a French translation of the rulebook and cards that you will be able to download as PDF for free! Thank you so much for your love and support! We are so happy we... (Read More)
A Gift to Our Backers!
September 17th - via:
WE LISTENED AND FIGURED IT OUT. You all asked for a better overall Early Bird, we talked about it and we found a solution that awards all of you who backed us in the first few days of the campaign and who became Soulgivers ambassadors in the world.... (Read More)
50% of our goal reached in the first 24H!
September 16th - via:
Hi Backers! We're halfway through and many of you reached out to share your presence and enthusiasm with us. We are very proud of it. We want to work at the best of our abilities to make this campaign more and more interesting for all of you.... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!