CREEPY playing cards deck

A project in Tampa, FL by Xtu Productions

Funding Unsuccessful

Printed by USPCC. Graphic art poetry meets card deck. Original playing cards.
Backers: 257
Average Pledge Per Backer: $21

Funded: $5,504 of $6,900
Dates: Aug 12th -> Sep 11th (30 days)
Project By: Xtu Productions
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Last Updated: September 11 @ 18:45 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Joker !

September 10th - via:
Inspiration for this Joker...; Jack Nicholson's smile :), Jack in the box and Loki.Joker's head, skull, too small for his growing brain,..snakes instead of arms. We're at 1 day till the end of Creepy campaign. Last 3 days many backers joined us in... (Read More)

All Aces...

September 7th - via:
4 snakes and a skull with a brain (a leaking brain but still... :) I decided to go with the same motif on all aces as the courts are filled with many different creatures of any size, it just seemed like the right thing to do.Johnny  (Read More)

All court cards....

September 5th - via:
Heya,Here's the pic of all courts. Also, posted a pic of the last Jack on our main page...A lot of potential backers wanted to wait and see all courts,...well, we see what happens... (Read More)

Jack of Diamonds

September 4th - via:
Today we have this pic for you,...tomorrow....last Jack, last of the court cards.Johnny  (Read More)

Jack of Hearts

September 3rd - via:
Classic, standard design of Jack of Hearts is in profile too, 1 eyed Jack, but....I'm not sure if anyone..ever :)! has drawn profile card like this,..we're looking at his back :), you see that ? Johnny  (Read More)

Jack of Spades,...Add-ons !!

August 31st - via:
Hey 9 days to go !!Jack of Spades,...this illustration was inspired by E.T., the movie. The actual creepy creature is designed to look like any average looking alien :D but...the pose and the finger, can you tell..(?), "E.T. go home". And, I have... (Read More)

New tuck-box !!!

August 30th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Queen of Hearts...

August 28th - via:
Creepiest girl of them all.  (Read More)

Queen of Diamonds

August 26th - via:
The title says it. As you can see, not only that these cards have most elaborate, various creature designs, with Kings and stuff on their heads as crowns, and Queens with stuff that's hair actually..., with a lot of smaller creatures hanging and... (Read More)

Queen of Spades

August 25th - via:
HeyaNew card here ! This is probably the most abstract one :) Funding is not going that great..., has to be said :( Thanks for your support,....larger pic here.. Johnny  (Read More)

Word of Mouth #3

August 24th - via:
Hello dear backers :) We have another project that if you havent already to check it out, especially if you were a fan of our Iron Kings design. Thank... (Read More)

Queen of Clubs...

August 21st - via:
Hey backers..59% funded and 20 days to go..., looking good :)We have...Queen of Clubs to show you and here she is (below).. This one is an homage to senor Pablo Picasso..and his ladies. Just as a curiosity,...did you know Picasso's full name has 23... (Read More)

Word of mouth #2

August 20th - via:
So we have another great project that is going to help us spread the word :) Check him out and of if you like it, spreading the word if you cant back it is always appreciated.... (Read More)

King of Hearts...

August 18th - via:
New card pic, KoH.When I started designing this 1 I had in mind a basic idea for the creature that I wanted to draw I played with shape of its head...I noticed it reminds me of a sea horse. Don't know why but..decided to continue drawing in... (Read More)


August 16th - via:
Here's the tuck-box for Creepy.Now, when I was starting to think about the design for this one, the illustrator in me said "hey, you got cards with lots of details, very complex artwork style here,...that's how the tuck should be,...and more". I said... (Read More)

Creepy deck. When the imagination produces monsters

August 15th - via:
Johnny Whaam loves horrors and monsters. He has designed 12 creepy hand drawn monsters for the last deck produced by XTU Productions: Creepy playing cards. (Read More)

Uncut sheets..

August 14th - via:
Just added new reward. Uncut sheets, limited to 50.Thanks  (Read More)

Word of mouth

August 14th - via:
Hey everyone! Im sure most are aware that the hardest part of a successful kickstarter is getting the word out there. So we are trying something new to help generate exposure and help others with their project too :) This project that not only has a... (Read More)

King of Spades...

August 14th - via:
Hey,First update. Welcome all backers to our new project and thanks for your support. We got a great start, getting close to 2,000$ on 2nd day. Hope you're gonna help us spread the word about this campaign and thanks if you do..., means a lot.Here... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!