
A project in Port Erin, UK by Peter Hornyak

Funding Successful

A deck-building card game from the makers of Shardhunters.
Backers: 2110
Average Pledge Per Backer: £36

Funded: £75,331 of £10,000
Dates: Apr 7th -> May 14th (37 days)
Project By: Peter Hornyak
card game +Suggest

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If you have any questions, have a good idea for a tag, or a more in-depth suggestion - please feel free to let us know!

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current pledge level
Last Updated: May 14 @ 10:02 -0400 GMT


of goal
funding period ended


trending toward
Trends are not projections.


of goal

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Latest News

GREAT news to start the last day with!

May 14th - via:
Dear Backers! We can start the last day of the campaign with some HUGE progress; another stretch goal AND a social stretch goal was unlocked alongside with maybe our most ambitious goal through the whole campaign: the 2000 backers! You know what this... (Read More)

Wow! Barely 24 hours left!

May 13th - via:
Dear Backers! We are officially approaching the finish line now; barely 24 hours and the Ausonia campaign ends. We are already very proud and happy with the results, but we would still like to improve whatever we can in these hours we have left. So... (Read More)

So many good news to share!

May 11th - via:
Dear Backers! We have so many things to show you today and we are very excited to hear your reactions! First, let us announce the lucky winner of the fifth Riddle Round, who is no else than: Congratulations, Amakou MBATA, you have won! We already... (Read More)

New stretch goal unlocked!

May 10th - via:
Dear Backers! Congratulations!! 10 Ambitions Cards are now available for making the Base Game even more interesting! : ) How do they work, you ask? Very simple! Each player draws 2 Ambitions Cards from a previously shuffled deck. Ambitions are... (Read More)

Riddle Round Five!

May 9th - via:
Dear Backers! While we are eagerly waiting for unlocking the next stretch goal, we decided to keep you entertained with another riddle round! Many of you suggested to have some more of it when we announced the extra week and as you know, we are not... (Read More)

Exclusive sneak-peek!

May 8th - via:
Dear Backers! Yesterday, we’ve announced some of our plans for this one extra week, but today, we are bringing you something very special and exclusive - a sneak-peek into the Solo Campaign! We wanted you to have a glimpse of it, but we also paid... (Read More)

Plans for the one extra week!

May 7th - via:
Dear Backers! As you all know, there was an unexpected turn of events yesterday evening; we got to know that Kickstarter offers one extra week to now-live projects due to the COVID pandemic. Since plenty of you approved of the idea - it was our most... (Read More)

Would you like one extra week?

May 6th - via:
Dear Backers!  This is going to be a very quick update where we invite you to help us make a decision! We were just informed about the possibility of one extra week to every live project, thanks to Kickstarter. We thought it would be best to ask you... (Read More)

Only 24 hours left and things are looking good!

May 6th - via:
Dear Backers! Isn’t it exciting?? We have 24 hours left from the campaign and today, we already unlocked a community stretch goal and the next stretch goal! This is amazing! Finally!! We have reached 500 fans and 500 subscribers on Ausonia's... (Read More)

48 hours left and we are still going strong!

May 5th - via:
Dear Backers! 48 hours is all that left from the campaign and although we are very proud of our achievements - which obviously couldn’t have happened without your tremendous support! - we aim to make these last two days of the campaign really... (Read More)

Masters of Shadow Rulebook is available!

May 4th - via:
Dear Backers! First things first, let’s not forget about the rapidly approaching deadline, which is barely 72 (!) hours away! On the 7th of May, 4:00 PM CEST the campaign will close and we have so many goals to reach and ambitions to fulfill until... (Read More)

Still a long way to go in a short time!

May 3rd - via:
Dear Backers! We really hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! Our small team of developers for sure is having a really busy one :) So, let’s see what subjects came up in our little, luckily not undead ridden, workshop! Be prepared, this... (Read More)

Unlocked social strechgoal & French and Spanish translations are ready to download!

May 2nd - via:
Dear Backers! We were waiting to report this for so long! The number of our fans and subscribers on BoardGameGeek had some unexpected turns, no doubts, but we can finally say for sure that we reached 400 fans and 400 subscribers - which means that... (Read More)

Quick update on the Ausonia Contest's winners

May 1st - via:
Dear Backers! The BGG Ausonia Contest is now closed for new entries - and we already have the winners to announce! First, let us thank you for each and every person who participated and we hope that you all had a great time hunting for the answers!... (Read More)

Long list of exciting news!

April 29th - via:
Dear Backers!  Congratulations! As some of you already noticed, we unlocked another stretch goal and this is a really exciting one! Now you have access to three new Event cards belonging to the Expansion II. Remnants of War. These cards highly... (Read More)

Riddle Round Four results and Solo Playmat reveal!

April 28th - via:
Dear Backers! How have you been? Are you excited about the stretch goals as we get nearer and nearer to the finish? We know we are surely thrilled, but it does not keep us from organizing some fun for you! The 4th Riddle Round came to its end and we... (Read More)

Time for Riddle Round 4!

April 27th - via:
Dear Backers! Hope you had a relaxing weekend! Our team was quite busy; there are great developments on the translations-in-progress but we will dedicate a whole update to them when they are absolutely ready! Until then, we thought we would bring you... (Read More)

Riddle Round Three winner and community stretch goal for strong female characters!

April 25th - via:
Dear Backers! Welcome to our daily list of exciting reports! First, we would like to thank you for everyone who participated in this riddle round - we must say, you are really getting good at this! - and helped Ferdinando iI de’Medici build that a... (Read More)

Unlocked community stretch goal and other surprises!

April 24th - via:
Dear Backers! We hope you have an amazing Friday - we surely have because of the developments we can announce today! We reached our aim, 300 fans, and 300 subscribers on BoardGameGeek! You know what this means right? Right! Solo Campaign for every... (Read More)

Tons of exciting news!

April 23rd - via:
Dear Backers! How have you been? We had an exciting day so far! First and foremost,an Ausonia Contest organized by BoardGameGeek is LIVE! We didn't exactly know when it would start, so it was not included in yesterdays’ update. It is a trivia game,... (Read More)

Tokens, new goals and many good news!

April 22nd - via:
Dear Backers! Hope you are all doing well! We have some massive announcements for today! First, as you all know, we promised that if we reach 500 fans and 500 subscribers on BoardGameGeek, we will prepare a whole Solo Campaign, where you can fight... (Read More)

Riddle Round Two and New House Leader!

April 21st - via:
Dear Backers! Thank you for joining our latest riddle! Once again, 23 of you proved their skills in tactics and scheming, as you participated in the quest of stopping the Prince of Florence and the pirates! We can proudly tell that you all came up... (Read More)

Riddle Round Two!

April 20th - via:
Dear Backers! Since the first Riddle Round was quite popular among you and many of you told us that you are looking forward to the next one; here we go! The rules are pretty much the same; we ask you to post your ideas to the comment section on... (Read More)

Winner of the riddle and new Tabletop Simulation!

April 19th - via:
Dear Backers! 20 awesome strategists competed for the most influence over Ausonia and you all came up with very competent, resourceful ideas! We are especially happy about the fact that you asked whenever something needed explanation or confirmation... (Read More)

BGG Riddle Round One!

April 18th - via:
Dear Backers! As you all know, we are all about building up and motivating our community on Board Game Geek! This means that we do not stop organizing trivia games, community stretch goals, and riddles, which you are ALL invited to! Now let’s take... (Read More)

Wow, 1000 backers! Thank you!

April 17th - via:
Dear Backers! Wow! Our jaws just dropped!  Overnight we have reached 1000 backers!! You know what it means, right? We are halfway there to unlock the stylish, wheel-based influence tracker that we will be included in every Collector’s Box (which... (Read More)

8th stretch goal unlocked!

April 16th - via:
Dear Backers! Congratulations! The 8th stretch goal just got unlocked overnight (at least for us :) ). This means that from now on, you have access to a brand new House Leader, with his own base deck, designed for the expansion -  Masters of... (Read More)

Social stretch goal for new influence trackers!

April 15th - via:
Dear Backers! By now, probably all of you know that there is nothing more crucial in Ausonia than influence! And if you want to be well-prepared, the first thing you will need is a good way to keep track of your influence - either by book-keepers,... (Read More)

Social stretch goal and other treats coming up!

April 14th - via:
Dear Backers! “BREAKING NEWS The Bishop is on a rampage! The overseer of Ausonia wants to bend everyone’s will to his cause. It's your turn to show him that you are the rightful ruler of this newly freed world and its people. Be careful! Even if... (Read More)

Easter surprise for all of you!

April 13th - via:
Dear Backers! First of all, let us wish a very happy Easter to all of you, guys! (Or more like, Ladies and Gentlemen ;) ) We have mentioned countless times how thankful we are for your backing, encouragement, and feedback. This is now another perfect... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal unlocked!

April 12th - via:
Dear Backers! Thanks to your loyalty and constant support, another Stretch Goal was unlocked - and this is a truly special one! ;)  This way you gain 1 more Favour card to each Guild in the Base Game!  We’ll spare you the math; 5 more cards... (Read More)

We've heard your feedback!

April 11th - via:
Dear Backers! We've read it, pondered a bit, acted on it :)   A lot of you, faithful backers, reached out to us on different channels, asking if you could have the PnP (Print and Play) version of the Ausonia Base Game added to the basic Ausonia... (Read More)

Meet the new Guild Master Tier

April 10th - via:
Dear Backers! We have an exciting announcement to share with you! Many of you reached out to us, whether it is possible to get retailers or at least a group buy discount. We have contemplated a lot, did all the math and today we can gladly announce... (Read More)

Many news to share with you!

April 9th - via:
We have a lot of pleasant news for you, so bear with us! We decided to expand our campaign with the Merchant Tier and a brand new, Digital Pack add-on!   Congratulations! You have unlocked 2 more Stretch goals!     The Merchant Tier is a simple... (Read More)

Join our referral program for great rewards!

April 9th - via:
Dear Backers! After such an awe-inspiring start thanks to you, we would like to launch the Ausonia referral program! So buckle up and here it goes! :) If you have backed us for at least the Early Master Tier (£35) and you would like to participate,... (Read More)

200% within 24 hours and new unlocked strech goal!

April 8th - via:
Dear Backers! Even we could have not imagined such a tremendous start! The amazing news did not stop coming since yesterday, HUGE thanks to you all from the whole team! Ausonia has reached 200% of its basic goal in just 24 hours, which is phenomenal.... (Read More)

Three stretch goals unlocked!

April 8th - via:
Dear Backers! Congratulations! You have successfully unlocked three stretch goals! Now you have access to these four extra cards with the important keywords and the phases of each round on them. They help to make the game smoother, creating a more... (Read More)

Incredible: Ausonia was funded in just 5 hours!

April 7th - via:
Dear Backers! We must admit, we are totally speechless right now! We never would have thought that we are going to reach 100% foundation in merely 5 hours! You are all awesome and we are extremely grateful! It took three days for our previous... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!