Oh Cluck! - The Barnyard Brawl - RELAUNCH

A project in Mansfield, OH by Jeffrey Bookman

Funding Successful

Oh Cluck! is a Dual Deck Card Game for 2-6 players where you'll assemble a coop of Roosters, a hand of Actions and BRAWL!
Backers: 51
Average Pledge Per Backer: $95

Funded: $4,828 of $4,000
Dates: Feb 20th -> Mar 23rd (31 days)
Project By: Jeffrey Bookman
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Last Updated: March 23 @ 12:04 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

ONE DAY LEFT! Meet the Farmer!

March 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Just 24 hours to go in the Oh Cluck! Kickstarter!  Our Final update during the Campaign is a Design Diary about Roosters, and we're going to use a very special Rooster as the Preview. Meet the Farmer! The Farmer is one of the "Roosters" from the... (Read More)


March 21st - via: kickstarter.com
We've just crossed over the 48 hour threshold! We are now less than 2 days away from the end of the Campaign, and we're very thankful for each and every backer. Today, I bring you another Design Diary installment, focusing on the Party Fowl... (Read More)

3/20/18 - More Art, More Good News!

March 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Good News Everyone! Ray has completed all of the Art for the Eggspansion! We're really proud of all the artwork that he has put together for this game! In the Faberge' and Carton of Awesome versions of Oh Cluck!, we have talked about Tarot Card... (Read More)

Stay safe out there, backers!

March 15th - via: kickstarter.com
 It's the Ides of March, which means there are plots afoot! For those who haven't figured it out, Oh Cluck; the Eggspansion!, is loosely themed around "holidays", and other notable events throughout the year. As we started working through ideas... (Read More)

100% Funded - Today was eggceptional

March 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Just a quick shout out to say thank you, thank you, thank you. Today was a day that started slow, escalated quickly and eggceeded eggspectations. There will be something bigger (and with some new art) tomorrow, but until then know that we at Foolish... (Read More)

50% Funded! You guys Rock!

March 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Congratulations on getting us to 50% funded! So, here are two more new cards, from the Eggspansion!  Thank you to all of our backers!  Don't forget, even if you've backed, and haven't gone over, and liked us on the various social media platforms,... (Read More)

3.9.18 - New Art Update!

March 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Everybody! I come bringing you three more Roosters from the Eggspansion.   With just under 2 weeks to go, we're preparing for a final push over the last couple of weeks to drive us to the finish line, and bring our passion to you.   (Read More)

The Next Backer Based Stretch Goal is Here!

March 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Everyone!  It's been a pretty awesome campaign so far, right? We're right there at 50% funded, we've got plenty of time to go, and you guys have earned a couple of stretch goals! Well, since the Kickstarter Backer based stretch goal has been... (Read More)

25 Backers Achieved! You get Tyler!

February 24th - via: kickstarter.com
I am Jack's unbridled excitement!We have now achieved 25 backers, and that means we have another Stretch Goal unlocked! Every backer now gets a copy of the Promo Tyler!   Now that we have crossed 25 backers, we will be announcing our 50 backer... (Read More)

25% Funded, and a Stretch Goal Enabled! Thanks!

February 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Well thank you guys for being awesome! We have now crossed 25% funding, as well as our first Social Stretch Goal, with 75 Followers on Instagram. Everyone who backs the campaign will now get 1 copy of Sucker Punch!  There are still 3 more levels of... (Read More)

A Flurry of Feathers to open the campaign!

February 20th - via: kickstarter.com
 Well look at you guys, making the first few hours of the campaign awesome! Thanks a ton! As the campaign rolls along, we're going to be sharing with you cards from the Eggspansion. These may, or may not be the final versions of the cards (we're... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!