Roleplaying Spell Effects

A project in Anaheim, CA by Arcknight

Funding Successful

Semi-Transparent spell graphics printed on clear plastic to create fantastic overlays for Tabletop Roleplaying Games.
Backers: 319
Average Pledge Per Backer: $64

Funded: $20,436 of $5,000
Dates: Dec 14th -> Jan 25th (42 days)
Project By: Arcknight
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Last Updated: January 25 @ 01:01 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

$20k! Whelp, there you go, Spell Minis!

January 25th - via:
Fine, we'll just go all the way to 20k, and unlock Spell Minis as well! It's been a great drive, and thank you all so much! We're going to have a BUSY February working out all the details for this stuff. It was basically just a concept 10 days ago,... (Read More)

Spell Tokens Unlocked - More Stretch Goals queued - final 8 hours!

January 24th - via:
Well, looks like we need more stretch goals! We've completed Spell Tokens, and before I even had a chance to update the listings, we blew through the next stretch goal as well; SW Support. Now, I've mentioned this in the comments, we already have a... (Read More)

3 More Stretch Goals - Digital Spell Effects - Final Stretch

January 23rd - via:
Hey guys, the project has been doing awesome and we're SO CLOSE to Spell Tokens! 28 hours left, and it's still cruising along. We've got 3 more stretch goals down;  Digital Spell EffectsI'd like to take a moment to break this down, since a lot of... (Read More)

Tactical Data! - $10k Stretch Goal Reached

January 21st - via:
Woohoo! Tactical data is unlocked! That's a big step in the development of this product, because lets face it, you guys have proven that this is a legitimate project with a legitimate audience, and it's worth all the extra time and effort to make... (Read More)

Paladins! (And Enchantments, and Rangers, and Divination too!)

January 20th - via:
4 more Stretch goals down, and were over 9000! aaaaand I'll just leave this here  (Read More)

Illusion and Transmutation have arrived!

January 18th - via:
New Stretch goals unlocked at $7k! The spell schools of Illusion and Transmutation have landed. Next up, at $7500, the faithful Paladins will join our cause! Vote for upcoming Stretch Goals  (Read More)

Funded - 3 Stretch goals unlocked - 3 more queued up!

January 17th - via:
Thank you for the great push in the last few days! We got the rest of the funding needed, and now we're banging down Stretch Goals!  Abjuration, Conjuration and Necromancy were at the top of our voting charts, and were unlocked. Warlock is up next,... (Read More)

New KS Video is up!

January 14th - via:
Please check out the new video, leave any comments you have, and please share on Facebook, Reddit, and various rpg-related forums you visit. I try my best to post things weekly or so, but it just doesn't have the impact that all of you can have. We... (Read More)

11 Days left - Digital Options

January 13th - via:
There's 11 days left, tonight I'll be making a series of videos using the physical prototypes i have and some maps and minis lying around my house. After that, we'll have about 10 days to make a final push, and see if we can get this funded. I've had... (Read More)

Prototype Sample - Fireball Stress Test

January 11th - via:
I JUST got back from Orange County last night, I have news and prototypes, but I haven't even had a moment to cut them out and film anything yet. Tomorrow I'll update again, but I wanted to share this with you; while watching my daughter and cutting... (Read More)

5E and PF Differences, Stretch Goals

December 31st - via:
Aside from various small differences in Area of Effect between 5E and PF spells, there's one overarching difference that is very distinct, and that's the PF society guidelines for radius and cones. This change comes fundamentally from the way... (Read More)

Rangefinders, 5E Druid Mockup, Stretch Goal Info - Tactical Info + Spell Tokens

December 16th - via:
RangefindersHere's a conceptual mockup for something neat I'm going to attempt to include wherever practical; a general purpose rangefinder that can be used to check distances or confirm Line of Sight, etc. In the spaces, it can include the names of... (Read More)

Clear Map Grids, Object Pages, and pre-existing Spell Effects

December 15th - via:
Since this campaign is the direct successor to the Clear Map Grids campaign, it's only natural that some new backers will be asking for items that have already been created in 'round 1', and i'd like to clarify how this is going to work. 1> If you... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!