Knights of Glory
A project in Dallas, TX by Blue Gear Games LLC000days
Cancelled by Creator
A Dungeon Crawl with Poker, and BS mechanics set in medieval times for 2-5 knights.
Backers: 182
Average Pledge Per Backer: $47
Funded: $8,535 of $6,000
Dates: Jul 9th -> Aug 10th (32 days)
Project By: Blue Gear Games LLC
Backers: 182
Average Pledge Per Backer: $47
Funded: $8,535 of $6,000
Dates: Jul 9th -> Aug 10th (32 days)
Project By: Blue Gear Games LLC
current pledge level
Last Updated: August 10 @ 01:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Campaign ended...for now...
August 10th - via:
First and foremost we would like to thank all the backers for their support throughout the campaign. It has been an amazing journey throughout this campaign with countless hours of hard work. We regret to inform that after a thorough reassessment of... (Read More)
48-Hour countdown!
August 8th - via:
We appreciate you! First and foremost, we would like to start of by thanking all our backers since day one and staying committed until now. Without you guys, we wouldn't be where we are now. And to the current backers and the new ones that recently... (Read More)
A project you might be interested in!
August 7th - via:
Being a part of the Kickstarter and board game community means we get to meet and interact with other designers. And because of this we get the opportuity to play test their upcoming projects and offer feedback on gameplay or mechanics. It just so... (Read More)
More giveaways from Unfiltered Gamer!
August 6th - via:
UNFILTERED GAMER GIVEAWAY TAILSMAN LEGENDARY TALES GIVEAWAY: Unfiltered Gamer's giveaway: Talisman Legendary Tales is now live! The giveaway will end on August 13, 2019 at 12:00 PM CST. We will announce the winner on our next update. Click the link... (Read More)
Knights of Glory Week 5 Update and recap!
August 6th - via:
Thank you all for your support in getting Knights of Glory funded and where it is now. However, it is not over yet! We still have 4 more days and more stretch goals we can unlock. So please keep sharing and telling everyone about this amazing game.... (Read More)
Knights of Glory Week 4 Update and recap!
July 30th - via:
It has been an amazing journey and we are still kicking strong! We have one more week left until our campaign ends—and to us, every second counts. Here are a few announcements and updates... SOCIAL MEDIA STRETCH GOAL UNLOCKS First social media... (Read More)
Guardian's Call - Unfiltered Gamer Giveaway
July 28th - via:
Unfiltered Gamer's giveaway: Guardians Call is now live! You have 7 days left to sign up! We will announce the winner on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Click the link below to sign up: (Read More)
The Treasure trap has been unlocked!
July 27th - via:
Great job knights! Our first Social Media Stretch Goal for Facebook got unlocked. Here is what you have unlocked - Treasure Trap. Click the link below to check out the Treasure Trap rules and details: ... (Read More)
Knights of Glory update and Week 2 recap!
July 23rd - via:
HAPPY TUESDAY EVERYONE! The third week has bestow upon us! WOW we can't believe how fast this campaign is flying by! We want to thank you all for your continued support! We want to give a shout out to all our backers and fans that have made this game... (Read More)
Voting Cards Poll - Round 2
July 22nd - via:
AND THE RESULTS ARE IN! Last week we've asked our backers to vote on whether they would like the look and feel to be the original or the new concept artwork for the Voting Cards. The original concept won by a landslide, we decided to end the survey... (Read More)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Winner of the 5 Minute Marvel Giveaway
July 17th - via:
WINNER OF THE 5 MINUTE MARVEL GIVEAWAY Sorry for the late post, but we wanted to announce the winner for the 5 Minute Marvel Giveaway from Unfiltered Gamer. Congratulations Nicole Hulst, you are the winner of the giveaway. ESCAPE: THE CURSE OF... (Read More)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Unfiltered Gamer Facebook Live Stream
July 17th - via:
To all backers current or new and guests that are visiting our Kickstarter campaign, If you would like to watch a gameplay of Knights of Glory, join the LIVE stream on Facebook hosted by Unfiltered Gamer and with special guests, The Sandbox Gaming... (Read More)
To color or not to color? That is the question?
July 17th - via:
VOTING CARD ARTWORK We are giving everyone the opportunity to decide which artwork would suit the "Voting Cards" best in our Knights of Glory game. ORIGINAL As you can see in the illustration above, the original Voting Cards are illustrated with... (Read More)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Good News the King has found a translator!
July 17th - via:
We will have a digital version of the rulebook for Knights of Glory in German. At the moment, it is in the works. We do not have an estimate time of delivery when the German version of Knights of Glory will be completed, but it will definitely be... (Read More)
Knights of Glory update - Week 1
July 16th - via:
IN KNIGHTS WE TRUST! We want to say thank you for making Knights of Glory reach its funding goal! Although we got the hard part out of the way, the journey has just begun! It is now up to all of you to strive for those stretch goals in order to bring... (Read More)
WOW 100% FUNDED!!!
July 14th - via:
We are 100% funded!!! Thanks to all of our backers! From everyone on the Blue Gear Games team, we cannot fully express our sincere gratitude for the overwhelming support from backing our first project. Through all the generous written messages, and... (Read More)
We are 75% funded. Hooray!
July 11th - via:
We are almost there guys! Look what you have accomplished so far. The journey is just a little ways to go. Let’s get to 100%. Keep supporting us and don’t forget to share our Kickstarter campaign with your family and friends so they can get in... (Read More)
Social Media Stretch Goals
July 10th - via:
In addition to our Kickstarter Funding Stretch Goals, we have Social Media Stretch Goals for backers to unlock. With each like, follow, and subscribe from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube we receive, our backers may benefit and unlock... (Read More)
24-hour notice for the Torture Room Promotion
July 10th - via:
Don't forget anyone who backs the Knights of Glory game in first 48-hours of our Kickstarter launch, will get the Torture Chamber promotional item added into your game. So, this is your 24-hour notice to back the game at the Esquire Pledge or higher... (Read More)
50% Funded! We are half way through the dungeon!
July 10th - via:
Hi everyone! We would like to thank you all for all the support that you have shown in the campaign so far. This is amazing! We have reached the half way mark! Let's keep the momentum moving! Please share this campaign with your friends, family, and... (Read More)
Knights of Glory (KOG) Weekly Update
July 10th - via:
I hope everyone is ready for what lies ahead for the Knights of Glory Kickstarter Campaign. We have so much in store for you which will make you keep coming back for more. As the funds increase, we will unlock new stretch goals that will enhance the... (Read More)
Knights of Glory - Royal Giveaway!
July 9th - via:
It is now near the end of the night and the King has announced a game of chance called The Royal Giveaway. We will award one lucky backer a chance to win the King Pledge for free (shipping not included) For more details CLICK HERE (Read More)
Knights of Glory Preview
June 20th - via:
This is a preview of Knights of Glory. All components and rules are prototype and subject to change. (Read More)
Knights of Glory
June 3rd - via:
We embark on our journey to greatness, at the cost of friendship and glory (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!