Active Gaming Hardware Projects

(found 3 projects)

Ends Tomorrow

Tales on Tiles

Innovative terrain system for tabletop gaming


Backers: 30
Funding: €3,382 of €1,500 (225% funded)
Average daily pledges: €113
Campaign Dates: January 14th -> February 13th (2025)
Time left: 0 days, 6 hours, 15 minutes

Ends more than three weeks from now

Quality led kits for joysticks by Vampiremul Arcade Sticks

LED kits, custom balltops, battops and tattoo machines grips adapted to Sanwa, Ind. Lorenzo and other levers.


Backers: 1
Funding: €47 of €3,000 (1% funded)
Average daily pledges: €5
Campaign Dates: February 4th -> March 11th (2025)
Time left: 26 days, 22 hours, 12 minutes

Make 100: Life Counters for MTG or D&D

Custom Hand Made Wooden Life Counter/Trackers


Backers: 3
Funding: $100 of $400 (25% funded)
Average daily pledges: $3
Campaign Dates: January 13th -> March 14th (2025)
Time left: 29 days, 14 hours, 10 minutes

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(total 3 results)