Support the Supernatural TTRPG WITCH: FATED SOULS 2E on Kickstarter Now — GeekTyrant

Support the Supernatural TTRPG WITCH: FATED SOULS 2E on Kickstarter Now

Witch: Fated Souls is a supernatural tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) that is set in the modern day, but unknown to most is that there’s more to the world than what they see. In the game, players take on the roles of witches called Fated who have sold their souls in some kind of deal with the devil.

A second edition is on its way and fans of these games can head on over to Kickstarter now to back the project which has already met its funding goals. If you are able to back at least $20, you’ll get a digital copy of the core rulebook for Witch: Fated Souls 2E along with any digital stretch goals and other goodies you decide to pay for. One aspect of the game that sounds fantastic is that your magic just works.

You don’t need to roll dice or anything, but there are still consequences to using it.

Witch: Fated Souls 2e is a game about the claustrophobia of making a dire deal you didn’t fully comprehend, how you navigate the deal now that it is sealed, and about the supernatural world. It’s focused on each Fated’s personal story, how they overcome the shortcomings placed upon them, and how they thrive. It is ultimately a game about hope.

During the game you’ll navigate your daily life, alongside your coven, while discovering what it means to be a witch. You’ll encounter supernatural creatures who may seek to harm humanity and you'll use your magic to help.

You need to hurry if you want to back the Kickstarter for Witch: Fated Souls 2E because there’s less than two weeks left! That being said, you can always get a feel for the game by using the free quickstart (affiliate link) available through DriveThru RPG. Witch: Fated Souls 2E is being released by Angry Hamster Publishing.

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