Runecaster: A Narrative TTRPG of Magical Experimentation

A project in Chicago, IL by Pangur Ban Collective

Funding Successful

Play as rookie mages learning to master complex magic. Draw powerful runes. Discover new spells. Blow yourself up!
Backers: 189
Average Pledge Per Backer: $22

Funded: $4,185 of $500
Dates: Jan 6th -> Feb 1st (26 days)
Project By: Pangur Ban Collective
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Last Updated: February 1 @ 01:03 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Less than 24 hrs Left! Extra Copy Add-ons!

January 31st - via:
Thank you all for taking our humble game so far, we've already greatly exceed our expectations. We have less the 24 hrs left for funding, let's finish this out strong! Further funding means more money to all our wonderful contributors. For those... (Read More)

$3,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked!

January 26th - via:
We have surpassed $3,000, which means we have unlocked our final stretch goal: more example content! We will be adding more spells, modifier runes, thesis examples, and more patrons. We will also commission a proper interior cover for the Codex... (Read More)

$2,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked! Mini-Zine on Folk Magic

January 15th - via:
We have exceeded $2000, that's amazing! We've met our mini-zine stretch goal, and we've already started work on pulling it together. Enjoy this draft entry: Fruit Brick Excellent travel food, and perfect for Yule gifting. Gather 5 lbs of close to... (Read More)

$1,500 Stretch Goal Unlocked! More on the Horizon

January 12th - via:
We've hit another milestone: we have exceed $1,500 in funding! Thank you! This also means we've hit our stretch goal, and we'll be commissioning two or three additional art pieces for the inside of the book. We'll be starting the commission process... (Read More)

Over $1,000 in Funding! First Stretch Goal Unlocked

January 7th - via:
Wow, we've raised over $1,000 in funding! This means we've unlocked our first stretch goal: we'll commission character portraits for our seven example characters. So who are our colorful crew of playables? Agrippa: a fiery and heroic stoat with a... (Read More)

Fully Funded!

January 6th - via:
Hey Backers! We are fully funded! Not only that, but we did it in 2 hours. That is incredible. When we first started developing this game, we honestly couldn't imagine we'd have this much support and interest from the TTRPG community. This is our... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!