Pixless camera

A project in Florence, Italy by Carlo

Status: Active

The Pixless camera is a 0,03 Mp camera that produces pixel-art style photos.
Backers: 757
Average Daily Pledges: €1,543
Average Pledge Per Backer: €106

Funding: €80,231 of €15,000
Dates: Dec 22nd -> Feb 20th (60 days)
Project By: Carlo
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Latest News

Hi guys, general update on the status of the project...

February 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Sorry for the recent lack of updatesCurrent status of the projectThe Pixless project is undergoing some tough challenges, biggest of which is the hacking of the Pixless instagram account. We're still working with Meta to recover the account but the... (Read More)

Insta account pixless_camera got hacked.

January 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all.  Unfortunately my main Instagram account was hacked and suspended. I'm rebuilding a temporary account as fallback while I try to regain access. The new username is pixless_cam, you can click the picture below.  (Read More)

Cold shoe sliding plug, Thoughts?

January 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Here is how the plug looks, I made it black just for the design but thought it actually looks cool, so i'm going to ask you guys.  White so it hides better or black to add some contrast? There is also the option to make this customizable, shouldn't... (Read More)

We've just added a cold shoe mount for your optical viewfinder or flash!

January 15th - via: kickstarter.com
We designed a minimalistic cold shoe mount for optical view finders, small flashes, thumb grips and more! The slot is cold shoe, this means there is no electronic link between the camera and the flash unit. Sync is done via the 2.5mm jack on the... (Read More)

Add On s now available for extra Pixless Cameras!

January 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We just imported the option to add extra Pixless cameras as Add On s. You can select up to 10 extra pieces either standard or founders edition!  (Read More)

This Game Boy-Inspired Camera is Every Millennial's Dream

January 9th - via: thephoblographer.com
Kickstarter campaigns have some truly exciting innovations in the making. From light meters to 3D film cameras to DIY pinhole cameras, there is something distinct to revive the saturated camera market. And now, yet in another exciting turn of events, a new camera allows you to achieve Game Boy aesthetics in your photographs. How so? Read below to discover the new invention. (Read More)

0.03-Megapixel Pixless Camera Captures Charming Pixel Art Photos

January 9th - via: petapixel.com
The Pixless camera on Kickstarter channels the lo-fi spirit of the iconic Nintendo Game Boy Camera. With similarly low image quality, the Pixless promises to capture pixel art-like digital photos with just 0.03 megapixels of resolution. (Read More)

Updates on the Pixless Camera shell!

January 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all, as the Pixless Camera is now made on a single custom pcb we had to redesign the shell, so here's how it looks like now! We also moved the 2.5mm jack connector on the side and added a reset/power button.  (Read More)

Happy new Year to all my backers and this amazing community!

January 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
New year started with a very pleasing news, The Pixless project just went over 200% funded! Thanks a lot to every single one of my Backers, this project wouldn't really be possible without you and your love for this project. About updates now The... (Read More)

Releasing the Pixless Camera Colorful Edition!

December 25th - via: kickstarter.com
A new customisable version of the Pixless Camera is now available, choose body and other parts colors to make your camera truly special!  This one will be a super limited edition version at only 50 pcs but fear not, we might make more if you guys... (Read More)

Updated shipping prices

December 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi to all my fellow backers and followers, I've just lowered shipping prices, unfortunately i wasn't able to change them directly, I instead had to create 2 new rewards and make the older ones out of stock. I also added 2x pack reward of both normal... (Read More)

Sorry for high shipping pricing

December 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hello to all my backers and followers, im working on lowering shipping prices and finding suitable options for worldwide delivery. In the meantime you can still back this project with the current shipping prices, any extra I manage to subtract from... (Read More)

Hi guys! The Pixless project is now live!

December 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
I'll take advantage of these Christmas holydays to give it a big push, and hopefully manage to finish the first pcb prototype of the v0.30 Big thanks in advance to all my backers! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as i am making it!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!