Active Gaming Hardware Projects

(found 5 projects)

Launched Yesterday

Quality led kits for joysticks by Vampiremul Arcade Sticks

LED kits, custom balltops, battops and tattoo machines grips adapted to Sanwa, Ind. Lorenzo and other levers.


Backers: 1
Funding: €47 of €3,000 (1% funded)
Average daily pledges: €16
Campaign Dates: February 4th -> March 11th (2025)
Time left: 33 days, 2 hours, 46 minutes

Tales on Tiles

Innovative terrain system for tabletop gaming


Backers: 28
Funding: €3,305 of €1,500 (220% funded)
Average daily pledges: €138
Campaign Dates: January 14th -> February 13th (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 10 hours, 49 minutes

Make 100: Life Counters for MTG or D&D

Custom Hand Made Wooden Life Counter/Trackers


Backers: 4
Funding: $130 of $400 (32% funded)
Average daily pledges: $5
Campaign Dates: January 13th -> March 14th (2025)
Time left: 35 days, 18 hours, 44 minutes

Skull N Dice

Track Your Battles with Style


Backers: 94
Funding: €1,103 of €250 (441% funded)
Average daily pledges: €44
Campaign Dates: January 13th -> February 12th (2025)
Time left: 5 days, 14 hours, 52 minutes

MCON: The Switchblade of Mobile Controllers | By Ohsnap

The transforming, magnetically-attached mobile gaming controller that actually fits in your pocket.


Backers: 14869
Funding: $1,545,316 of $25,000 (6181% funded)
Average daily pledges: $42,925
Campaign Dates: January 2nd -> February 11th (2025)
Time left: 4 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes

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(total 5 results)