Nightfall has taken the grimdark sci-fi SLA Industries mashed into the black metal fantasy MORK BORG to create SLA BORG.
So, is the perfect game for players who end up with murder hobo characters? Maybe… but SLA BORG is something else. It’s funded and has a few days left on the Kickstarter clock.
PCs are actually chemically worsened idiots who just think they’re SLA agents.
Nightfall Games has experience with MORK BORG already in Demon Dog, which includes a PWYW quickstart.
SLA BORG will be a 96-page hardback and is a standalone game. You don’t need any of its parents to play.
Operatives are the creme de la creme, with sponsorship, TV deals and the best training and equipment the World of Progress can offer. Unfortunately, in SLA BORG, this isn’t you. Instead, you’re idiots that believe, because of the aforementioned crumbling reality, that you are working as Operatives, whilst instead being morons that sniff marker pens, take orders from a cat and get into far too much trouble. You take on missions, eat kebabs to heal yourself and go to the pub to celebrate…simple!

Backers who pledge £20 will get the SLA BORG PDF and stretch goals as a thank you.
At £30, the hardback is swapped in for the PDF and the physical stretch goals for the digital ones. At £40, backers get physical and digital.
There are loads of add-ons; the first, the Player’s Pack, is added to the core pledges at £55.
Also, at £55, there’s the SLAuRRR Version cover as an alternative.
The Kickstarter closes on the 22nd, and the game is expected to ship before the end of the year. You could be playing a game as a glue-sniffing idiot this Christmas.