Christopher Willet, author of AEON: Ancient Greece, and the artist Tim Molloy have a colourful sandbox adventure live on Kickstarter.
The Painted Wastelands is a smoke-hazy hexcrawl designed for Old School Essentials. The Kickstarter asked for $5,000 and with three weeks to run there’s more than $30,000 pledged. You can see progress on the pitch page.
Agamemnon Press has a free download and 9-page preview of The Painted Wastelands on DriveThruRPG.
Inspired by Moebius and Lovecraft, the campaign is set in a colourful wasteland that is made dangerously interesting through its dreamworld-like horrors such as ghouls, teeth-stealing nightmares and weirdo travellers for the PCs to meet.
The funded adventure will contain;
- 35 detailed hexes.
- Four deadly dungeons.
- Two new classes.
- 55 new spells.
- 50+ new monsters.
- 100+ new art pieces by Tim Molloy.
- The Deck of Strange Things.
You are stranded upon the ragged edge of the infinite worlds of dreaming. Prepare your soul to enter a lucid land of sorcerers and endless pastel colored sands.

Backers can support the OSE Kickstarter by spreading the news or pledging cash. Those who pledge $35 or more will get a PDF copy of The Painted Wastelands as a reward, plus stretch goals.
At $55, backers get the hardback book and physical stretch goals as well.
The limited edition gold foil cover is the single reward at $80. At $165, though, backers that that golden book, the normal hardback, the Deck of Strange Things, Referee Screen, Ectoplasm Dice, 250 Ecto bank notes, the digital edition and all the stretch goal types.
There are higher retail and Support the Artist pledge tiers, with Tim Molloy on board to draw a character.
The Kickstarter for The Painted Wastelands closes on Saturday, the 31st. The digital edition is slated for December 2024, and the physical edition for March 2025.