About the project:
D6 System: Second Edition (abbreviated to D6 2e) is a relaunch of the classic West End Games D6 System! The new book is updated, modernized, and presented in a new full-color hardcover book. It features a modern and modular refresh of the classic ruleset, and because it is licensed directly from West End Games, Gallant Knight Games has been able to plumb the depths of historical D6 Systèm content, helping to leverage the very best from this storied roleplaying game’s lineage and bring it all together into a new cohesive rulebook!
WEG D6 2e utilizes mechanics derived from the D6 System’s long history, but with contemporary updates.
Classic D6 System features like:
- Lots of D6s!
- Attribute + Skill forming a dice pool
- Rolls that are totaled against a Target Number (TN)
- The Wild Die
All still exist and play important roles (and rolls!) in WEG D6 2e. Updates and changes have been made to streamline the game, with some features such as:
- More Narrative Control
- Fail Forward mechanics
- Hero Points!
- Revisions to the Wild Die
- Streamlined Skill Lists
Our goal is to produce a ruleset that is intimately familiar, but fresh and exciting! WEG D6 2e has been in playtesting for years, and has logged hundreds of hours of play already! We’re committed to doing this right.
Our goal is to produce a full-color hardcover 200-page book in a 7×10″ size and the accompanying PDFs. The core rulebook will have three covers you can choose between, featuring the initial three genre modules. While the contents are the same in each edition, you’ll be able to showcase your preferred genre on the table.
- The Perilous Void has Landed in PDF - Mar 21, 2025
- The Molt has Arrived from Creature Curation and Exalted Funeral - Mar 21, 2025
- Save on the Shield Maidens Science Fantasy RPG - Mar 21, 2025