About the zine:
Now that you destroyed our world, what do you do next? After all, it is easy to destroy the modern world with plagues, ICBMs, nanites, climate disasters, or even a stray meteor. After all, it only takes five minutes of pondering to turn our mundane and predictable world into a world twisted by destruction and ruled by chaos.
RPG Ramblings proudly unveils the newest issue of Journey into the Madlands! Overflowing with content that radiates excitement and creativity, this edition is bound with sturdy metal staples to withstand the scorching heat of its explosive ideas. Join us on an adrenaline-fueled journey through the Madlands, where every page surges with the pulse-pounding energy of a post-apocalyptic adventure. Don’t miss out on this sizzling hot release—grab your copy now and dive headfirst into the madness!
Embark on an unforgettable journey filled with danger, discovery, and limitless possibilities in The Region. Are you ready to make your mark?
The book is 8.5″x11″ softcover with a black & white interior and will land at around 52 pages. These pages will contain:
- A regional gazetteer and map highlighting key areas.
- A bestiary of truly strange creatures
- A focus on the Dread Forest, a peculiar location.
- A concise adventure: Kaku Robotics Factory
- A town filled will political tension to use as a springboard for adventure
- Rules to run the game using Old School Essentials.
- The RiverBank Roleplaying Game Launches on BackerKit - Mar 31, 2025
- Land of Eem: The Mucklands Sandbox Campaign Setting Reviewed - Mar 30, 2025
- Trollfall Adventure for Tales of the Valiant is Out in PDF - Mar 28, 2025